Monday, October 17, 2011


Just finished two midterms...Brain is beyond fried...Professor Keith Revell for Public Administration is probably the most difficult professor I have yet to enroll for...I've received two A's from him thus far, but avoid him if you can. I have not learned anything worth while compared to the amount of gray hairs I now have due to his courses...His exams are far too difficult and his readings become a drooling bore rather than brain/interest stimulating...Too much material to take it...His exams are probably ranked at graduate level difficulty...He curves the results exponentially every semester...Riddle me this: if the class was actually learning, we wouldn't need ridiculous curves, we would pass with satisfactory grades...So far everyone in my study group has received a 50-62%...I hit 76% tonight...After the curve I'll probably be around a safe 90%+?...Dean's List ain't no joke. Diesel out.

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